Producció científica i tecnologica
Projectes de transferència
- Period: from 2017 to 2017Funding company:
Servicio Análisis de Fitoplancton y muestras de bacterias Investigador: Viena Puigcorbé
Period: from 2017 to 2017Funding company:Campaña muestreo Itxasbide días: 16/08/2017 y 21/08/2017
Period: from 2017 to 2017Funding company:Servicio de análisis de nutrientes. nº de pedido:000061 Albarán ref: 702 Proyecto Calidad de Aguas L Ametlla de Mar
Period: from 2017 to 2017Funding company:Servicio de análisis de nutrientes . nº de pedido 000061, albarán 670 proyecto: Calidad de Aguas L Atmetlla de Mar
Period: from 2017 to 2017Funding company:Agreement for OSI SAF Visiting Scientist Activity OSI_AS17_04 on the Extension of the validation of the NSCAT-5 Geophysical Model Function, by Wenming Lin from ICM
Period: from 2017 to 2017Funding company:Acrònim:Extended_NSCAT-5Resum:Recent developments on the Ku-band scatterometer wind geophysical model function (GMF) include a sea surface temperature (SST) dependent term. It has been found that the SST effects on the radar backscatter are wind speed dependent and more pronounced in vertical polarization (VV) than in horizontal polarisation (HH) and at higher incidence angles, and are only relevant at radar wavelenghts smaller tan C-band. The new Ku-band GMF, NSCAT-5, is based on a physical model and Rapidscat radar backscatter measurements, which are only available at two incidence angles, i.e., 49⁰ and 56⁰, for HH and VV beams, respectively. The aim of this study is to verify the NSCAT-5 GMF at other incidence angles, using data from the recently-launched Indian SCATSat-1, which operates at 42.6⁰ (HH) and 49.3⁰ (VV) incidence angle. This is an extension of the already approved short-term AS CDOP-2 study, reference OSI_AVS_17_01. In fact, these two projects were initially planned as a single project, but divided in two to allow the use of the CDOP-2 remaining budget. The extended project objectives well fit within the CDOP-3 framework and associated work packages.
Avaluació dels bans de cargol punxenc a Vilanova i St. Carles
Period: from 2017 to 2017Funding company: