Producció científica i tecnologica
Projectes de transferència
- Period: from 2022 to 2022Funding company:
Utilización del servicio de Análisis de Nutrientes del ICM. Proyecto: J-02834 Nº compromís: 922287639 Albarán n. ref_1183C
Period: from 2022 to 2022Funding company:Utilización del Servicio de Análisis de Nutrientes del ICM Pedido nº 3201146498 Albarán nº Ref_950
Period: from 2022 to 2022Funding company:Utilización del Servicio de Microscopía Electrónica del ICM Albarán n. 202201
Period: from 2022 to 2022Funding company:Agreement of OSI SAF Visiting Scientist Activity OSI_VSA22_01 On the use of machine learning to correct NWP model sea surface wind forecasts with scattterometer.
Period: from 2022 to 2022Funding company:Acrònim:ERAstar_AIResum:Recent work shows the added value of scatterometer sea surface wind data for correcting numerical weather prediction (NWP) model output local biases (due to several geophysical processes unresolved by the model). The rationale of this method is that when the scatterometer wind data are accumulated over short periods of time, it is possible to overcome sampling errors and maintain some of the scatterometers most beneficial features. The so-called scatterometer corrections (SC) are based on temporal windows of a few days centered around the NWP forecast time. A particularly concerning problem in NWP is the well identified wind vector biases linked to atmospheric stability effects, moist convection, ocean currents, etc. The aim of this work it to employ deep learning methods built upon NWP forecast fields of ocean vector winds and associated ocean surface and atmosphere parameters to predict SC, leading to corrected and hence better-quality NWP surface wind and stress fields for both atmospheric and oceanic applications. These SC may for example be employed in data assimilation, seasonal forecasting and of course in model parameterization studies.
Utilitzación del Servicio de Microscopía Electrónica Albarán nº 202202
Period: from 2022 to 2022Funding company:PROYECTO: MEDUSA - I Mediterranean Underwater Seafloor Analysis
Period: from 2022 to 2024Funding company: