Live specimens of the species Octopus vulgaris and Sepia offocinalis. Period: from 2016 to 2016 Funding company: ASSOCIATION FOR CEPHALOPOD RESEARCH- CEPHRES
Utilización del servicio de la zona de acuarios experimentales del ICM. Albarán 20160305 Period: from 2016 to 2016 Funding company: INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL DE OCEANOGRAFIA (IEO)
AQUARIUM FACILITIES 1. Aquaria 2. Food for specimens 3. Material for maintenance 4. Laboratory and material for dissections ASSEMBLY FACILITY Period: from 2016 to 2016 Funding company: CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE
Consultancy services under the Framework Contract For services related to coordination between the difference marine regions in implementing the ecosystem approach Period: from 2016 to 2017 Funding company: MILIEU LTD
Estudio del ictioplancton de las costas de Uruguay Period: from 2016 to 2016 Funding company: TECNOAMBIENTE, SL
Servicio salida al mar 4 días para el Master Oceanografía i Gestió del Medi Marí Period: from 2016 to 2016 Funding company: UNIVERSIDAD DE BARCELONA
Servicio salida al mar 1 días para el Master Ecología, Gestión i Restauració del Medi Natural Period: from 2016 to 2016 Funding company: UNIVERSIDAD DE BARCELONA