Outstanding Science


  • Martin, Daniel; (1987).

    Annelida Polychaera associared ro calcareous algae concrerions from the Catalan coast.

    Miscel·lània zoològica, 11: 61-75. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10261/39239
  • Font, Jordi; Julià Brugues, Agustí; Rovira, J.; Salat, Jordi; Sánchez-Pardo, Josep; (1987).

    Circulación marina en la plataforma continental del Ebro determinada a partir de la distribución de masas de agua y los microcontaminantes orgánicos en el sedimento.

    Acta Geológica Hispánica 21-22:. 483-489 (1986-1987). URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10261/6898
  • Guinot, Danièle; Macpherson, Enrique; (1987).

    Revision du genre Pilumnoides Lucas, 1844, avec la description de quatre especes nouvelles et l'etablissement de la sous-famille Pilumnoidinae subt. nov. (Crustacea Decapoda Brauchuyra).

    Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle, 9: 211-247. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10261/41415
  • Sardà, Francisco; Demestre, Montserrat; (1987).

    The biology of the prawn Aristeus antennatus in Catalan area (NE of Spain).

    Investigación Pesquera 51(Supl.1): 213-232. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10261/101284
  • Fusté, Xavier (1987).

    Distribution of Crustacea Decapoda larvae of the Catalonian Coast.

    Investigación Pesquera 51(Supl.1): 277-284. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10261/101286
  • Vives Rego, J.; Vaqué, Dolors; Sánchez-Leal, Joaquim; Parra, J.; (1987).

    Surfactant Biodegradation in Sea Water : Primary Biodegradation and Bacterial Population Response in Sea Water.

    Tenside Surfactants Detergents, 24: 20-22. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10261/160284
  • Estrada, Marta; Alcaraz, Miquel; Marrasé, Cèlia; (1987).

    Effect of reversed light gradients on the phytoplankton composition in marine microcosms.

    Investigación Pesquera, 51: 443-458. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10261/100438
  • Sabatés, Ana; (1987).

    Collection of larvae of Rhynchogadus hepaticus (Facciola) (Pisces Gadoidei) in the Catalan coast (Western Mediterranean).

    Miscel·lània Zoològica, 11: 385-387. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10261/164136
  • Roel, Beatriz; Bailey, G.W. (1987).

    Preliminary investigation of the relationship between hake abundance and hydrological parameters in the Benguela System.

    Collection of Scientific Papers of the International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries, 14: 193-201. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10261/161514
  • Valladares, Francisco José (1987).

    The occurrence of Rissoides pallidus (Giesbrecht) and other Stomatopod Crustacea on the Spanish Mediterranean coast.

    Miscel·lània Zoològica, 11: 373-377. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10261/163945
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