Competitive funding

European Funds

Projects and infrastructures of the Institut de Ciències del Mar
supported by European funds (FEDER & PRTR):


FEDER logo


Scientific-technical equiptment (INFRAESTRUCTURES)


Microscopio Electrónico de Barrido de Emisión de Campo (FE-SEM)


Mejoras en el Laboratorio de Biología Molecular para el estudio de los ecosistemas Marinos (MolMar)

Equipo de Separación, Identificación y Cuantificación de compuestos Orgánicos de interés para las ciencias Marinas y de la Tierra

Actualización del Sistema de computación de alto rendimiento y de almacenamiento y gestión de datos en ciencias del Mar y de la Tierra (SMART)


EQC2018-004613-P - Renewal of ICM Particle Counting Instruments

EQC2018-004680-P - Oceanographic Observatory on the North-Western Mediterranean platform (pilot phase)


CSIC15-EE-3579 - High-performance computing (HPC) equipment for marine bioinformatics and modeling


CSIC13-4E-2504 - Equipment for the analysis of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Total Nitrogen (TN) dissolved by the technique of the high temperature catalytic oxidation system

CSIC13-4E-2506 - Thermostatted isothermal chamber for housing and cultivation of biological species of scientific and commercial interest


Spanish National Plan


CGL2017-91489-EXP - A new macroevolutionary model of marine invertebrate diversification governed by plate tectonics and kinematics

CTM2012-32017 - Marine acidification: new perspectives from manipulation experiments with specific species and paleo-oceanographic reconstructions in key periods of time

CTM2017-82991-C2-1-R - Marine reserves of fishing interest as a management tool to recover iconic Mediterranean fisheries: the case of Norway lobster nephrops norvegicus

CTM2017-84288-R- Thermal acclimatization and adaptation in marine zooplankton

CTM2017-86121-R - Understanding top-down control in coastal bloom-forming protists: opening the parasitic compartment

CTM2017-87227-P - Simulating plankton evolution through adaptive dynamics in a global ocean model

CTM2017-87736-R - Reconstruction of marine microbial genomes using metagenomics, single cell genomics, and cultures

CTM2017-88939-R - Winners, losers and changes in the pelagic trophic network of the western Mediterranean: from ecological consequences to future projections

CTM2017-89117-R-  Atmosphere-ice-ocean interactions in polar zones: impact on climate and ecology

ESP2017-89463-C3-1-R- On the continuity of band l satellite missions: new paradigms in products and applications


AGL2016-78710-R - Identification of epigenetic markers linked to somatic and gonadal growth in fish cultured under different environmental conditions

CGL2016-76332-R - Metabolic cost of anthropogenic impact on competing marine species

CTM2016-75083-R - Global assessment of abundance, diversity and activity of dominant heterotrophic flagellate species

CTM2016-79474-R - Oceanic currents and safety in the marine environment

CTM2016-81008-R - Biogenic trace gases and their processes in the surface sea