Candela Marco

Estudiante predoctoral

I am a PhD candidate with an FPI fellowship, working on the MOLLY project (Improving Morphodynamic Projections for Low-Lying Coasts). My research focuses on studying coastal morphodynamics across both medium and short timescales. The primary aim of my thesis is to improve our understanding of the relationship between the processes driving coastal dynamics and the evolution of beaches. Specifically, the research aims to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the entire active beach system, encompassing both the subaerial beach and the nearshore zone. To achieve this, the study will integrate established methodologies in coastal morphodynamics, such as LiDAR, multi-beam bathymetric surveys, and fixed camera monitoring stations, with more recent and innovative approaches, including drone and satellite-based technologies. By combining these techniques, the research aims to enhance the precision and efficiency of coastal monitoring and deepen our understanding of coastal processes.