Producción científica y tecnológica
Proyectos de transferencia
- Period: from 2018 to 2018Funding company:
Etude de l impact des changements climatiques sur les populations de corail et de cnidaires dans la Resérve de Scandola
Period: from 2018 to 2019Funding company:Analyse granulométrique avec équipement Horiba LA-950V2 Albarán: 10
Period: from 2018 to 2018Funding company:Controles para valorar la calidad de la serie de datos y medidas de nutrientes y clorofila-a de las aguas litorales de Catalunya.
Period: from 2018 to 2018Funding company:Utilización zona Acuarios Experimentales Ref. Pedido 4500376455 Albarán: 20180409
Period: from 2018 to 2018Funding company:Utilización del servicio de microscopio electrónico Abril- julio 2018 Albarán 201808 Nº de compromìs: 900032526
Period: from 2018 to 2018Funding company:Subcontract is in relation to the ESA Contract ¿Change Request No. 1 to Contract 4000116410/16/NL/BJ for the Project ¿Open Surface Current Airborne Radar Demonstrator
Period: from 2018 to 2019Funding company:Acronym:OSCARResumen:The objective of the activity is to develop an airborne interferometric radar demonstrator instrument with observation parameters, which are translatable to a potential satellite mission for ocean surface current measurements. It consists of a Ku-band, along-track interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) with two complementary line-of-sights and with a wind scatterometry capability, for measuring 2D ocean surface (skin) movement velocity and surface wind speed, respectively, in order to enable retrieval of 2D ocean surface currents. The OSCAR project is currently in the final stage of the Detailed Design Review phase. During the detailed design phase, the in-depth assessment of the carrier aircraft which should host the instrument revealed that no suitable aircraft is readily available in order to assure the system performances to meet the requirements. Major modifications should be carried on to design and manufacture a dedicated pod and radome which fits the specific needs of the project. Moreover, during the design phase, it has been noticed that the lack of the wind retrieval capabilities in the processor would pose a significant obstacle for the end-to-end verification and validation of the whole system which includes the instrument and the processor. The current contract aims at covering the development of the most suitable pod and radome for the Ku-band OSCAR instrument and the integration in the OSCAR processor of a module for the retrieval of the sea surface wind at Ku-band. ICM will contribute to the development and validation of the OSCAR wind processor.