Producción científica y tecnológica
Proyectos de transferencia
- Period: from 2020 to 2022Funding company:
Servicio de Análisis de nutrientes Albarán:ref_902_ref_T 102 NP proyecto:ANDRENA
Period: from 2020 to 2020Funding company:Utilización de la Zona de Acuarios Experimentales Albarán:20201211 nº de pedido:900069292
Period: from 2020 to 2020Funding company:Servicios de Análisis de Nutrientes Albarán ref_ 908 ref_ T 10 (presupuesto ICM CSIC aceptado nº 014_20_908_T104P) nº de cuenta 36506C0047
Period: from 2020 to 2020Funding company:Agreement for OSI SAF Visiting Scientis Activity OSI_VSA20_03 on the Use of Full Resolution QuikSACT Backscatter Slices for Coastal Wind Retrieval
Period: from 2020 to 2021Funding company:Acronym:COASTAL_WINDS IIResumen:In the context of a previous study, the Spatial Response Function (SRF) size and orientation of the QuikSCAT full resolution (FR) backscatter measurements have been characterized in order to assess the Land Contribution Ratio (LCR). The LCR information can be used for correcting or filtering out the backscatter measurements near the coast with the final aim of improving the sampling and the quality of coastal winds derived from QuikSCAT and other pencil-beam scatterometers. The study concludes that improved coastal winds are only possible when the backscatter noise is thoroughly characterized, an information which is unfortunately unavailable in the QuikSCAT FR files. As such, the main goals of this follow-up study are: a) To characterize the noise in the QuikSCAT backscatter measurements (slices) according to their distance to the egg (footprint) centroid; b) To validate a backscatter measurements correction/filtering scheme which accounts for slice-dependent noise in specific coastal test areas which are not affected by either orography or human activities; c) To assess a weighted regression scheme in order to take into account backscatter measurement noise; d) To set-up an operational processor for coastal wind field retrieval.
Nº pedido: 2020-215525 Asesoría por nuevos contenidos en espacio laboratorio antártico de CosmoCaixa
Period: from 2020 to 2020Funding company: